Monday, November 29, 2010

Academy Awards: "The Godfather"

Marlon Brando's refusal to accept his Academy Award for "the Godfather" was a prime example of Brando's great dedication to the advancement of minorities in film and American society. Instead of accepting the award, Brando allowed the President of the National Native American Affirmative Action Committee to voice the opinion of her people to millions of people. If Brando did not sacrifice his moment of glory for the President of this committee to voice the opinion of her people, the voices of Native Americans probably never would have been heard. Brando's decision to do this was very bold and was definitely something that most actors of his time would never have thought to do. Thus, Brando's drastic action sent a clear message that was not appreciated by all in attendance at the Oscars. This was indicated by the fact that people were booing as the Native American woman was trying to talk about the fact that Native Americans did not appreciate how they were being treated in films. It can be implied that this booing was directed at Brando and not the Native American woman because Brando expressed that the crowd was not pleased with him specifically for disrupting the ceremony in his interview with Cavett.

Oscars: The Godfather

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