Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brando in the Eyes of Minorities

In response to the Dick Cavett's question, "“if you had the Academy Awards night to do over again, would you do any of that differently,” Brando expressed that he felt that Native American’s needed the chance to be heard because of the way that they were mistreated in film (Brando). The fact that Brando said this shows that he truly believed that there was inequality in the film business. As a white man, this was very powerful for him to say because this inequality would never directly affect him. If he wanted to, he could have been blind to the fact that Native Americans as well as “all non-whites” were being mistreated in film and he would still be a successful actor (Brando). Because Brando acknowledged Native Americans and other minorities, he showed that he was selfless and humble. Brando showed that for him, being an actor was really about art not awards and recognition. By standing up for Native Americans and other minorities, he took a risk of losing white fans that did not care about “Indians being represented as savage, ugly, nasty…” (Brando). On the other hand, he gained fans in minorities by letting them know that someone in Hollywood recognized the wrongs that were done to them.

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